die andere saite

The chamber music series “die andere saite” was performed between 2006 and 2008, organised by Konstantia Gourzi in the Munich Camera Artis gallery. The Project Members of ensemble oktopus from the Munich Hochschule performed concerts called “die andere saite”, a play on words in German between andere Seite, “the other side”, and andere Saite, […]
Young Soloists

From 2003 – 2008 Konstantia Gourzi directed the chamber music series of Siemens Arts Program „Junge Solisten“ (Young Soloists) in Munich, dedicated to contemporary music. The Project The Young Soloists concert series has been an institution for new music lovers in Munich since 2002. Konstantia Gourzi took over its artistic direction in 2003. She developed […]
Schönberg Jazz Berio

Konstantia Gourzi released a CD that offers a new perspective to Schönberg’s “Pierrot lunaire”, and combines it with her own improvisations. CD NEOS released the CD in 2007, in cooperation with Bayerischer Rundfunk. The ensemble opus21musikplus performs under the conduct of Konstantia Gourzi, together with Maria Baptist, jazz piano and Stella Doufexis, singer. Arnold Schönberg: Pierrot lunaire […]
Philemon und Baucis

Konstantia Gourzi complements the fragmentarily preserved opera with her own compositions. The premiere at Staatsoper Berlin was followed by other site-specific performances, carried out as a “mobile opera”. The Project Conducting Joseph Haydn’s Symphony No. 43 in E flat major was the starting point for the examination of his unknown, fragmentary works. Fascinated by Philemon und […]
Gedichte zu Prometheus

Konstantia Gourzi ergänzt die Aufführung von Beethovens “Prometheus” mit einer eigenen Komposition.
Music and Kounelis

Konstantia Gourzi puts on concerts, in which music interacts with sculpture, light, images and space.
Mada da yo

Konstantia Gourzi’s orchestral piece Mykene was made into a film, and shown at the Tokyo Film Festival in December 2004.
Musical Performances at Deutsche Guggenheim Berlin

For the exhibitions from Bruce Nauman and Robert Mapplethorpe, Konstantia Gourzi conceived and directed musical performances, which took place in the exhibition halls of the German Guggenheim museum. Links Zur Werkseite von op. 21 RoMa Duos 10-12Zur Werkseite von op. 22 RoMa Duos 1-9
Angel Composition Series

In Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen bildenden Künstlern entsteht eine Kompositionsreihe, die Engeln gewidmet ist. Konstantia Gourzi erarbeitet bei diesem Projekt die kompositorische Verbindung verschiedener künstlerischer Ausdruckformen.
New Greek Music in Munich

Konstantia Gourzi started this series to raise awareness of Greek contemporary music beyond a folkloric perspective. The Project From 2007 – 2011 she presented the series New Greek Music in Munich, a less well-known side of Greek music. Instead of traditional folklore, works by older and young, famous and less famous Greek composers were performed. The […]